Tuesday, June 7, 2011

keeping my reading skills up.

I'm not sure how I plan on keeping them up. Hopefully  I can just read as much as I can. But this summer doesn't look to good for me having me time. But I plan on reading as much as I can and when ever possible. I'll read my book as soon as I can get the chance. Hopefully I can keep my reading level up.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

point of education.

There is only very few points to education. There is making it easy for you to get a job, doing something for your self; maybe even prove to your self that you are capable of doing things. Depends on how someone looks at it. I look at it as getting a job. Which I desperately need.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My 4 day weekend.

Well I'm going to try to put some reading in there. I'm Thinking about just hanging out with some cousins of mine, Maybe some friends. I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing this weekend, but all I know is I'm going to be taking a little break. I'm just thinking about having some me time, do things I would like to do.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Something right my parents did.

One thing right my parents did, actually the only thing right my parents did was give me up to my grand parents.

If I was a father I would try my hardest to provide my kids with food, shelter, and any need they want. I think spoiling someone when their young shows them how it feels for one to be generous to you and hope that they will do the same with their kids. A large percent of the population grows up around kids being mistreated and beaten, or even abandoned. growing up alone or growing up being ignored for what ever their idea's are. Mostly being patronized affects kids in and makes them feel left out of the pile or as if their idea's does not matter cause their just a kid.

Also it would be a lot easier to bring a kid in this world with out all the gangs around. The kid's that are mistreated would have a enormous heart if someone would just bring them in and treat them as family. But everything going around with the gang's and all, everyone who feels mistreated thinks the only people out there for them is gang's. So they just hand there life over to them not knowing what their getting into.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The weather.

I have not really thought about weather a lot. I mean it never came to mind except when I got cold or too hot, then I think about the weather. But what I think of it now is that people who live in different states must get tired of the weather. Always being too hot or too cold pending on where you live. Could be Missouri or Antarctica. The good thing is if you travel, you can always travel where you want. If I was to travel I would travel to where it's cold, cause I like places where it is cold. But that's just me because I'm allergic to my own sweat.

Monday, May 23, 2011

A perfect day.

Getting my G.E.D would be the perfect day. That would be the day I finally start out on, start my life and get it going. My parents, grandparents, and siblings would be proud of me. But most of all I would be proud of myself. But of course everyone knows perfect days happens with 1 out of every 100 people. But I guess it does not hurt to try.

Friday, May 20, 2011

something to talk about.

I like little sayings like crazy tongue twister but yet common sense and truthful to. I'll give a few of what I heard. Here we go.

 : Love is a sensation caused by temptation, to feel penetration a guy must stick his location into a girls destination to increase the population for the next generation. Did you get my explanation or would you like a demonstration.:   LOL I like that one personally, it's my favorite one. But here is another.

: I thought a thought, but the thought I thought , wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If I would of thought of the thought I thought I thought, I wouldn't of thought so much. : LOL it's a nice tongue twister. It makes sense if you read it right. :)  here is another one. But this one is not like the other two. :

: If two witches were watching to watches, which witch would watch which watch. : Things like that are just funny tongue twisters. Not much like the other two. That's all that I can think of today except this one I have been thinking about. Try to say "toy boat" 5 times not fast but not normal speed either. Kinda in the middle except a little tad bit faster.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The difference between mine, my parents and my grand parents generations.

Well the difference between generations is not only more laws and technology. But there is more freedom. Freedom for woman, freedom of speech Just anything of the sort. Of course in that sort there are more gang relates. It's a lot more dangerous in these times.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How much I scored on my millennial

On my millennial score I got a 85. Don't know if that's good or bad but that is what I got.

Friday, May 13, 2011

About this weekend.

I'm not going to do much this weekend; just sit and I guess try to read when ever I can remember. I'm going to try to go to a motel this weekend if I can. Bring my camera and get some good recordings. Making family videos for memory later on in the future seems most important to me right now.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How much time do I spend watching TV, and what do I like and dis like.

I watch movies every day at least 4. I'm big into movies that have seasons like House or Lost. Me I like super natural things like creatures and that sort. So I prefer Angel or Buffy The Vampire Slayer. But I have recently finished them so now I'm watching Charmed. I like all sorts of movies. mysteries, thrillers, romance, sometimes action, horror and comedy. Not alot of movies I don't like really. I guess I don't like black and white movies.

Friday, May 6, 2011

What book would I recommend

The Hunger games would be in my biggest interest, the book I would most recommend. What I liked about this book is actually the hole story. The adventure, the romance, the spontaneous maneuvers, just the hole bit.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

keeping up with the news?

No, I do not keep up with the news. I never watch the news, the only way how I found out about Bin Laden is because I live with someone who watches the news every second it's on. I don't watch the news because I don't know what channel is for what country, city or state. I don't know my history or who half the people are that they are talking about. LOL

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A lost and terrified Cat near death

Usually on nights and mornings I like to walk my dog to the forest. She is always happy when I take her on a walk, she likes to explore the forest and run around in it. So one night I take my dog on a walk and my brother comes along with me. We are playing around with my dog and running from her and she is chasing us threw the forest, " and this is at night to." We bring a bright LED flashlight and blind are self with it by shining it into are eyes and then like to try to find the dog in the forest. We are always running into trees and hitting are shins on tree stumps, my dog had a good time anyways. As we start to head back; we are trying to gain are eye sight and get threw the pitch dark forest. When we get out we were on are way home with a grin on my dogs face as if she had lots of fun. That always makes me happy to play with animals.
On my way back I see something stumbling around in a driveway, looking as if it does not know what way to go. Kind of going around in circles. As we are on are way home and it is in are path we start to approach it. It's a cat, and as you know any cat that See's a dog coming close it runs. But this cat did not run. be for I can grab my dog terrified my dog my try to bite it, my dog only got and inch away from it's face. I stopped and stand there for a minute wondering what the hell. Then when I looked at the cat confused I noticed it was not even looking at my Sabrina. I get closer to it and pull my dog away, stick my hand out, it did not move. So I reach in and grab the cat, it makes a clogged up sound like it had something stuck in it's throat. I pick it up into my arms and realize that the cat was scared. Yet I wondered why the cat did not run but I did not question it cause I was to worried on how it felt in my hands. As I holed the cat I can feel every bone in it's body, it was starving. I couldn't just leave the cat out there, so I took it home to get it something to eat. As I'm walking home I can feel it as if it wanted to jump out of my arms, but it didn't. It did not have enough strength to. When I arrive at the house I tell my brother to go inside and get it some bread so it can eat something. He goes inside to get two peaces of breads and brings them out. we tare off a peace and put it in front of the cats face so it can eat it. It grips it in it's mouth as if it had not eaten in days. It loses grip of the bread in its mouth and if falls to the ground. So I put the cat on the ground so it can eat, and it's walking around meowing trying to find it. We started to call it and snapping by the food but it was still looking around. I grab the cat and take it to the food. but it still could not find it. We keep tarring off peaces and putting in that pile and still the cat can not find it. Then we realize that the cat is blind. It took 5 minutes for the cat to find it, and when it did; it ate all of it. I knew I could not leave it out side so I take it inside with me and put it on my bed. It did not know how to get off my bed and my bed is only like 2 inches away from the ground. So we started calling it. It did not even notice us. so we get louder and it still does not notice us. The cat was def to. A def and blind cat wondering around out side on a cold raining night, just skin and bones. We test to see if it's blind again. I move my hand really fast in front of it's face going back and forth. It did not even hesitate or blink, And I kept getting so close I almost accidentally hit it. And any cat seeing a over large person coming at it with a open hand towards it's face is going to jump back or hesitate. So now I did not know what to do. Finally I decide and I'm keeping the cat. I went to the store bought it sand box, food, and everything it needs. I have had this cat for about a week now. And it's starting to look a little better. It's gaining meat on it's bones, but soon I am going to take it to the vet to get it xrays and blood tests to make sure it's not in any pain or need help. The kind of help I can't give it. Anyways my dog is still getting use to my new cat but there is still work that needs to be done and still needs to be supervised.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

After Kit helped Hannah escape from the mob.

After Kit help Hannah escape from the mob she had to make it back home without being noticed.
 When Kit got home the mob had came and told Mathew that she had escaped. That's when Kit had spoke up and told Uncle Mathew that she had been going to see Hannah and claims that she is not a witch. When Uncle Mathew had found out about her going to go see Hannah the witch, he was very upset with Kit; but more upset with what the mob wanted to do to Kit for punishment.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

8 important events.

I'm going to pick 2 because it seems less complicated for me to do.

1. Kit lived in Barbados with her grandfather until he has died.

2. With out planning a head Kit moves to America so she can be around her family.

3. Kit aboarded a boat with no boarding pass.

4. Since Kit has arrived in America, She has made some new friends and met different religions.

5. America was quite different from Barbados with the sights and rules Kit had come across.

6.Things are going to get a little more difficult with the religion of the puritans coming to live in America.

7. Kit's family down in America is quite different from her family in Barbados.

8. In America woman are not aloud to read, so now Kit is different from all the other girls knowing that in Barbados, woman are aloud to know how to read.

I think these are important things in the story to know about because everything that has happened wouldn't of happened without these events happening. The ending would not of turned out the way it did without any of these single events happening. Everything would of turned out differently.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Hunger Games.

Well I figured out one thing. The Hunger Games has 3 books to it and the movie does not come out till 2012. kind of depressing but. . . . Actually very depressing. I was planning on watching the movie after I got done with the book. See; first it goes The Hunger Games. After that it goes catching fire, then Mocking Jay. . . . . . There is two more books. That I am grateful for but then again the movie comes out in 2012. "2012!!!." That is lame.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Would I help someone if they needed it?

Of course I would help someone if they needed it, regardless friend or not. You never know when your going to die, you can die tomorrow for all anyone knows. Everyones life is always in danger; for example, someone can have an accident and you were the victim, being to sick, catching something very deadly, getting bit by a venomous spider, to much blood loss or simply just falling on a nail that can penetrate your skull. Anything can happen. so endangering your own life for the greater good is never the wrong thing.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

People treated differently.

Different religions and people are treated differently because of where they grow up at; and what family's they grow up with. People's beliefs are set on what they think is right and as long as you think your doing the right thing, you are never doing the wrong thing. Mistakes are acceptable, but not if it causes someone to get hurt such as sacrifice or abuse. Things in that category. To some of us we think its wrong when someone causes abuse or who is menacing. But others think discipline is the only way to teach one. Out of the over all, "yes I do think the way people are getting treated differently is not all bad, but some good to."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

what kind of person mercy is.

Mercy is a nice, kind, patient and relaxing person. When you would think Mercy would get jealous she wouldn't, when you think she would of stepped up and showed her true feelings for the guy she wanted to be with she didn't. Instead she let Judith say something about Jon liking her when she knew who Jon really liked. You can see the she is not self centered and she makes sure her sisters are happy before she is. She is protective of her sisters.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thoughts of Hannah

Because of Hannahs religion people didn't like Hannah, and because of Hannahs religion people thought Hannah was a witch, which they shouldn't of assumed things. Hannah's religion is called Quaker and people assuming she is a bad peopon and not getting to know her is sort of rediculous. quaker is actually a pretty cool religion because Quakers are members of the Religious Society of Friends, a faith that emerged as a new Christian denomination in England during a period of religious turmoil in the mid-1600's, and is practiced today, in a variety of forms, around the world. To members of this religion, the words "Quaker"and "Friend" mean the same thing. Hannah lived out side the town in the meadows in her own litlle house right out side the town cause people would not let her live in the town, but because Kit, Nat and Prudence liked Hannah and did not judge her of her ways they went and visited.

Friday, April 8, 2011

How my parents chose my name.

Well I was named after a boy off a country movie, I don't really like country boys or actually to be technically mostly country people. But my mother is from the country and she had a favorite movie and typical it has to do with the country. There was a boy in there named Brandon; so she named me Brandon. I don't really like the name Brandon because it's common, but that's what she liked.

The name I would of preferred would of been something not common, something like Rex,Locus, or any of the uncommon names. Reason why I like Rex is because in dinosaurs a T-Rex is the number one top. The alpha, the most fearest. Also Rex is another name for king but just in dinosaur, which comes to mind I like the name King. wouldn't mind that name either.

Friday, April 1, 2011

How I think I can improve my reading.

I have been realizing something when I read, I can't hardly follow along with the story because I get mixed in who is talking or where I am in life as in the olden days or the feature. Let's say that when I read I am thinking of what time period I'm in. Am I in the  medieval days, am I in the new days with more technology. I would be reading thinking I'm in the medieval days then all the sudden there is a train in there. Now I'm confused. There is also something that I am not good with at all. I think if I get better with grammar and literacy I do believe it's called I will be better at reading. And, if I know what these things mean. <  :  ;  ]  [  -  /  >    the things that show like for example   " this means someone is talking, this means that you know you could of put two down but you did the short version   '   such as words like I'm or don't when you could of just put I am or do not. see.  I get lost easily in books cause I don't know what's what.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Should Kit fight for her job?

I think Kit should try to fight for her job cause it will not only keep her busy but it will show people that she is responsible. If Kit does not try to fight for this job it will probably show that she is not capable of taking on responsibilities.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How I think Kits prspective is on her new home in America.

Dear friend.

     This new country I have moved to to get away from a forced marriage is well I guess you can say a little relaxing knowing that I'm not getting bought to love someone. I guess there is some upsides to being in this country. There is meeting my new family, eating corn for the first time, seeing the looks on my cousins faces when they saw my dresses, shoes, purses and accessories. What even got them more excited is when I gave them some of my items as gifts. They acted with such boisterous and excitement. Unfortunately the father here is very strict.

Love Kit

Monday, March 28, 2011

What I did over spring break.

I did more then what I thought I would do over this spring break actually. I kept reading almost everyday to try to keep my reading skills up and that's not even why I read. I actually read cause I thought what I was reading was interesting. The Hunger Games is the name of the book and I hear it's quite the popular story. It has it's brutal side but as far as I have gotten I am sensing there is a little more then just bravery and torture. It has a passionate side "not a big one" but it does. There is also one other thing I did over spring break. I hooked my computer up to my big screen TV and now I got this big computer in my room and it's amazing. Well that's basically all I did over this spring break other then play games from here to there and spend some time with my puppy.

Friday, March 18, 2011

What I will do over spring break to keep my reading level up.

 What I'm going to do this spring break is I'm going to try to finish this book I'm reading called the Hunger Games. Of course that's not all I'm going to be doing this spring break, and if I said it is I would be lying. I am going to play games of course but hey in every game there is reading in it. There is not a lot I'm going to be doing to keep my reading level up this spring break because I don't know what else I can do to keep it up. Unless there is a different way to keep your reading level up that I don't know please let me know. I would like to try and help myself with my reading skills.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Put my self in Kits shoes

Leaving Barbados to live in America would be pretty awful. But that's just me. I like a place with a good view and when the sun comes out colors start to shine. The blue water, the green on the trees, the sandy beach. It's a lot more beautiful in Barbados. But then again I'm not to sure with the prices in Barbados either. Here it's cheap and we have stuff that Barbados does not have such as corn. Now coming to America living with stranger is a complete different thing. At least the stranger she lives with is her family. Family that she has never met but still family. I guess if it was me I would be interested. Getting to know new family members. Seeing the way they act. I't would be a bit strange but nothing I would not like.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Witch of Blackbird Pond is a book about a girl named Kit who moves from Barbados to America in 1687. Her grandfather has died and she is going to go live with her aunt. The town she moves to is full of Puritans who are much more religious than she is. She is constantly doing things that make her look strange to the people in America because her culture in Barbados is so different.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What kind of person Kit is

Kit is kind of a moody person and acts off of her feelings. I guess we can say she is rational on her decisions. There is a couple of different scenes from this book for example Kit flares up when she hears someone thinks bad of her, Kits first glimpse of America was judgemental. did not fully give it time to make a decision which she will probable change her mind later on about America which is still proving my point. But Kit is also caring of peoples feeling. "example" Kit did not want to hurt the Nat's feelings about how she thought of America. Nat is the captions son.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

description ofthe witch of blackbird pond chapter one.

On April 1687 early in the morning there was a crew sailing in a Brigantine on the Connecticut river heading toward America. Men, woman, sons, daughters and of course the captain were on the boat. Kit was a young girl on this ship and was coming from turquoise bay of Barbados. A place with a lot of green trees, white Fancy buildings, nice see through blue water. Kit was not to please with her first glimpse of America. The river was bare and shallow, the houses were just plain wooden boxes with no color.

Monday, March 7, 2011


The Puritans coming to America to worship god believing in the hard work and effort God has put into Life, was Going to far to be unnoticed. The Puritans Beliefs in people reading the Bible, Believed that the people reading the Bible believing in god is making it harder for the devil to take control. The puritans feel as if people should be more appreciative for what god has given us and stop taking everything for granted and letting the devil over run us with hate and pride!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

How to prepare myself for a reading test tomarrow.

Well for one I'm not sure how to prepare myself. The only thing I can think of is getting a good rest tonight. Get myself in a real good mood an I'm not sure how I'm going to do that. I am going to try to keep a positive mood until after the test. Hm I guess I can say that I will probably go home, take a shower, get something to eat and try to get a good rest. Maybe watch a movie before I go to bed just to keep me in a good mood. After I wake up I will probably get a good breakfast, get dressed and ready, take a walk around the block to wake my mind up and get me energized. The number one thing I'm gonna try to do is keep myself in as good aura and not let anything ruin that for me.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sherman Alexie's childhood

This story I tell you about  The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian tells about a native boy who grew up on a Indian reservation and decided to get transferred to a white school. Who even had a few hard times with his life in the reservation with everyone bullying him and picking on him. Even the loved ones around him dieing.

Junior quickly made friends with a boy named Gordy at this new school. It was tough making new friends where you did not fit in around but he found someone who resembled him and quickly became a tribe. My opinion about Gordy and Juniors friend ship is that I think that Juniors relationship with Gordy was a big step for Junior to fit in with the pale skins aka white people. The relationship between Junior and Gordy showed people that Junior was not a complete stranger because the color of his skin or where he came from or even the tribe Junior came from. Gordy did not let Juniors solemn thoughts bring Junior to the point of abdicating.

I think that Junior learned that know matter the color of the skin everybody is the same. Everyone has emotions and how everyone has there own philosophy's on how life works and how they will deal with things.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Tribes?

The tribes I guess I would belong to is.
-The tribe of nature
-The tribe of animal lovers
-The tribe of Yin Yang
-The tribe of cooking
-The tribe of gamers :)
-The tribe of piano
-The tribe of peace
-The tribe of standing up for what you believe in.

Friday, February 11, 2011

What makes me happy.

Sometime earlier in this month I am getting a tattoo of the Yin Yang symbol on my upper right shoulder. It's gonna be my first tattoo and I've always wanted my first tattoo to be of the Yin Yang symbol. Thinking about the whole idea makes me happy. Also its my favorite topic to talk about to. The Yin Yang represents balance, perfect Harmony. The tear drops inside the circle that you see is Yin which is the black aka evil and the Yang which is the white, the good. The opposite color small dots are contained inside the tear drops is a reminder that the Yin Yang symbol that shows good and evil in everything there is a good and evil in everything you see. The reason why there is good and evil in this symbol is cause if there was no good there would be no bad and it also goes the other way around. If there was no evil there would be no good. One does not exist without the other. That's why there is a opposite colored small dot inside the Yin Yang symbol. Example birth bring death, and death brings birth. Night turns to day, and day turns to night.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Empathy is like when someone is doing something physically and you see them doing it. You can feel the flexing feel the every muscles tightening, thinking what they would be thinking at that moment as if you would be at there spot in that point of time with that exact thing happening to you as if it was happening to them.

Friday, February 4, 2011

looking forward to

This month which is February I'm going to be getting a tattoo on my right shoulder. It is known as the yin yang symbol. its going to cover most of my shoulder and I'm going to have black vines attached to the yin yang coming all the way down my arm to my knuckles. The vines are gonna be going around my arm and there going to have thorns on them. This thought makes me happy thinking about it. I may not get all of that this month but I am getting my yin yang symbol on my shoulder. That is good enough for me.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A though.

Love is a sensation caused by temptation. To feel penetration a guy must stick his location into a girls destination to increase the population for the next generation. Did you get my explanation or would to like a demonstration


If Jesus died for are sins, wouldn't his life be a waste if we did not sin more?

life is what you make it.

Me what I hope to accomplish with in 10 years? Well lets just put it this way. If you see an opportunity you know you better take it, don't you mistake, and don't you fake it no. The golden rule is not something you want to brake. So don't you brake it. See life can be a fantasy or a reality. Its just a state of your mentality. Don't lose your soul to vanity, its insanity. Show some love for humanity. I hope that I can help other people with there own goals. Make people see the brighter side for what ever choice they make. Seeing people hesitate on there choices is something I don't like to see. It can only mean two things. Fear or being in the wrong. That's where I want to step in. I want to help people free them self from addictions and confliction. I know that I am not good at talking to people but when I talk to someone I can guarantee you that I am very good at manipulation and seeing people being manipulated. I have been around a lot of black mail. I hope maybe in the feature I can be a little more out going but I guess that's a goal I will have to work on.I don't want people to hesitate or be mislead in to doing something that they don't want to do. I want people to be brave and not be scared of what might happen next but to believe that what ever they do or want to do, don't have a second thought. Cause that only means there is something or someone blocking you and making you think your in the wrong. Anyways I know I don't have a lot of goals but I'm not someone who does things for my own benefits. Well at least most of the time. :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Endurance means being able to stand pain. Say you have a lot of endurance basically means you can last for a very long time. Such as you can run for along time which is called fatigue. That was an example for endurance. Endurance, meaning you can last along time if you have a lot of endurance. Now I'm pretty sure you know what it means if you don't have a lot of endurance "you cant last very long in what your doing. I'm not sure why we are talking about endurance and Junior but if that is the case then Junior does not have a lot of endurance. Cant hold his ground, gets punched once or twice then falls to the ground. Does no have a lot of strength to keep him self up. Now mental endurance that's a hole differiant story for Junior. He is very smart and is not convinced easly. Does not get side tracked or lets him self off focus. That is mental endurance. Now endure is a differiant story. I't means say like undure something new. experiance something new or be told something you did not know. That is endure, like over coming what ever it is.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

haave i ever stood up for my self or what you believe in at school, home, or with my friends.

I get along more with bi or gay guys better then I do straight guys. I don't let people affect my judgement of character, for example I have recently got this new idol and he is bi, mostly gay. people like to make fun of me cause apparently how can I like a guy so gay. Almost every body's first time seeing him mistakes him as a female cause of the fact he has very long hair, his facial texture is shaped like a woman's, and he has what apparently all us guys like to look at on a woman is a hour glass figure body. like a baby or something like that. actually I find it kind of funny how people make fun of me for liking this guy so much that I start telling them how he is my idol. I emphasize how much I'm obsessed with his looks. The dark, female not for forget he is Japanese. That to. So in the reason why I get along with bi sexual people more then I do and yes I have bi and gay friends is cause there not like straight guys. they don't cut you down or make you feel not important or ditch you when the first girl comes along. In other words there a lot nicer. About this guy he is in a band and my favorite song by them is not even English. Still even though I cant understand a word this guy is saying I envy him.  His name is Aggy and the band he is in is called Deluhi. Favorite song, Two hurt.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

chooseing a character to write about from the book we are reading

All right Talking about Junior. Nice kinda fella not to big not to small kinda medium size and likes to keep to his personal friends close in his life. I'm thinking he must not have a lot of respect for his parents because of all the lies and what his father did to his dog which we will talk about that in just a second. but he does have love for his parents. Junior did not have much of a fighting appearance, people did seem to see him as a target a lot of the time actually almost all of the time. But he was very smart. He may not of known it but that boy was smart and had good senses if someone was lien to him. Yes I know its hard to expect to think someone with such brain damage and possibly more head problems knowing how many times he gets his head beat in. Come to think of it I would expect him to be a stone cold killer with all the fights he gets into. but he is emotional. How you can tell that he was emotional is when he was calling his dog his best friend which personally in life I do that to, but anyways about his dog. He did not take to kindly that his dog was in pain and he didn't know how to help it. It must of hurt him more hearing from his parents, His parents, out of all people who he trusts and loves to tell him there is know possible way to help his dog from suffering. But to top it all off what hurt him worse is when he knew the dad was gonna put it down. After that day Junior did not like to talk much after that. It took him a while to get him self back up there. But he had a little help on the side by from his an old friend of his, his name was Rowdy. Anyways I think that is enough for today.  I know I was a little bland with this post I have published becausae im a little off my game to day.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why do I think the other kids dont want junior to leave the Res

I personally don't see a reason why the other kids should even be upset for Junior leaving the Res other then they will miss him. I mean if that's the reason why they don't want him to leave then hey I would not blame them. But if you ask me, I would say looking at the situation with the kids not wanting Junior to leave the "RES in all and I emphasize the Res, and since it's a Res meaning only Indians can be on that territory that should point out that the Indians do not like white people. So with Junior leaving the Res to go to a school where white people are they might be thinking he is a race trader or something similar to that. Anyways that's what I think is why the other kids do not want Junior to leave the Res.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

about a book my teacher read.

I would have an opinion about the book we read if I can remember what we read. Like I said, I have a problem with my thoughts. Everything I read I forget. It's so bad that when I read one sentence and then go on to the next sentence, I cant remember what the last sentence I read before said. People don't know how bad I got it with my narcolepsy and my A.D.D. I cant follow along in a book cause: 1. I don't have any interest in a book. 2. If I start to read too much it starts to bore me because of the fact I'm not interested and when I'm not interested and I get bored my mind falls asleep, apparently. So my doctor says. But I'm not having a hard time believing that because I tend to miss a lot of things when it involves reading or anything that I'm not interested in for that matter. See, when I'm reading and something bores me and I keep reading on, when I cant remember what I read and I go back to read it. My mind forgets something else when I make my self remember that part. I can't keep going back and forth and back and forth until I remember cause by the time I make my self remember what I read, I have already wasted too much time. This problem I have is very difficult for me to explain. It's almost like there is no words to explain it or there is not enough words to explain it. I don't know but what it is. It is very hard for me to learn anything, especially when I'm not interested in it. People like to try to give me tips on how to help myself but what they don't understand tips or not if I'm not interested in the story or whats going on I will not be able to learn it, let alone follow along with it. Anyways that's as much as I can tell you about the book I was suppose to talk about. God I cant even remember the name of the book.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My childhood friend

His name was Justin Simmons. He was a good person at heart. Did not like to fight a lot actually not much of a fighter at all. I don't get along with people very well probable cause I don't social with people I don't know. But he was a out going fella didn't care much of what people thought or how he looked to other people. parable how me and him became such good friends is cause he did not care how he looked to me. he was a gamer and a very funny person. Every time I got mad at him I could not stay mad at him for very long. When ever I tryed to yell or even when i lost my temper he would Make funny face expressions and make me laugh. We did o most everything to gather. when one of us woke up we would go to the other ones house and hang out all day with each other. I tryed to keep up with him in jokes but could not be as funny as he was. I was not much of a music person but when he sings, he sing pure comedy. But then one day he moved away. It got lonely and boring real fast. I moved not long after that.did not get in contact with each other for 3 to 4 years. One day I was going threw my phone numbers erasing all the people I did not see anymore. Came across his number. Decided i wanted to see him again so I called him. When I got a hold of him he sounded much deeper in his voice then I can remember. So we talked and I told him I would like to see him again so he gave me his address. I went and visited him but did not like much how he turned out. mean to his woman. being demeaning to woman actually to put that in the right term. Switched to drugs. hung around to many drugies. I could not stand to be around him anymore. The next day when I was leaving I was not sure if I wanted to come back but still told him if he needs anything just to call me. So i left. After that did not hear from him since but when I came across him on the streets we would just wave or say hello. not much of a conversation but still even though we both went are separate ways we did not become enemies in any way. Well I guess that's all I have to say about my friend I knew once a pone a time. I hope you enjoyed knowing a little more about my child hood and now it's time for me to say my farewells.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

indian reservations

Indian reservations is a land claimed by the natives. The purpose of them claiming other lands is to increase there territory and the population. There were bloody wars against the native Americans and the U.S cause the U.S. was restricting any further movement from the native Americans because they were starting to cover to much territory. I'm sure the native Americans felt limited and as if they had there rights taken from them telling them what they can and cant do. Probably how the war started.

Monday, January 3, 2011

how my winter brake was

It was good, relaxing. There was not a lot to do this winter brake knowing that I screwed up and lost my reading book. That is why I do not rent books or take books home cause there very easy to lose and all it takes is for my 95% wolf to get a hold of that book for like 2 seconds and its gone. I Hope he did not get it. Christmas was not good at all. Family was being rude to other family members and no one showed up for Christmas. There was no good energy at all and so much hate. To much family splitting up. This winter break as far as I can say was relaxing but not very relaxing at the same time. Its hard to explain but just going threw family drama at the moment.