Thursday, April 28, 2011

A lost and terrified Cat near death

Usually on nights and mornings I like to walk my dog to the forest. She is always happy when I take her on a walk, she likes to explore the forest and run around in it. So one night I take my dog on a walk and my brother comes along with me. We are playing around with my dog and running from her and she is chasing us threw the forest, " and this is at night to." We bring a bright LED flashlight and blind are self with it by shining it into are eyes and then like to try to find the dog in the forest. We are always running into trees and hitting are shins on tree stumps, my dog had a good time anyways. As we start to head back; we are trying to gain are eye sight and get threw the pitch dark forest. When we get out we were on are way home with a grin on my dogs face as if she had lots of fun. That always makes me happy to play with animals.
On my way back I see something stumbling around in a driveway, looking as if it does not know what way to go. Kind of going around in circles. As we are on are way home and it is in are path we start to approach it. It's a cat, and as you know any cat that See's a dog coming close it runs. But this cat did not run. be for I can grab my dog terrified my dog my try to bite it, my dog only got and inch away from it's face. I stopped and stand there for a minute wondering what the hell. Then when I looked at the cat confused I noticed it was not even looking at my Sabrina. I get closer to it and pull my dog away, stick my hand out, it did not move. So I reach in and grab the cat, it makes a clogged up sound like it had something stuck in it's throat. I pick it up into my arms and realize that the cat was scared. Yet I wondered why the cat did not run but I did not question it cause I was to worried on how it felt in my hands. As I holed the cat I can feel every bone in it's body, it was starving. I couldn't just leave the cat out there, so I took it home to get it something to eat. As I'm walking home I can feel it as if it wanted to jump out of my arms, but it didn't. It did not have enough strength to. When I arrive at the house I tell my brother to go inside and get it some bread so it can eat something. He goes inside to get two peaces of breads and brings them out. we tare off a peace and put it in front of the cats face so it can eat it. It grips it in it's mouth as if it had not eaten in days. It loses grip of the bread in its mouth and if falls to the ground. So I put the cat on the ground so it can eat, and it's walking around meowing trying to find it. We started to call it and snapping by the food but it was still looking around. I grab the cat and take it to the food. but it still could not find it. We keep tarring off peaces and putting in that pile and still the cat can not find it. Then we realize that the cat is blind. It took 5 minutes for the cat to find it, and when it did; it ate all of it. I knew I could not leave it out side so I take it inside with me and put it on my bed. It did not know how to get off my bed and my bed is only like 2 inches away from the ground. So we started calling it. It did not even notice us. so we get louder and it still does not notice us. The cat was def to. A def and blind cat wondering around out side on a cold raining night, just skin and bones. We test to see if it's blind again. I move my hand really fast in front of it's face going back and forth. It did not even hesitate or blink, And I kept getting so close I almost accidentally hit it. And any cat seeing a over large person coming at it with a open hand towards it's face is going to jump back or hesitate. So now I did not know what to do. Finally I decide and I'm keeping the cat. I went to the store bought it sand box, food, and everything it needs. I have had this cat for about a week now. And it's starting to look a little better. It's gaining meat on it's bones, but soon I am going to take it to the vet to get it xrays and blood tests to make sure it's not in any pain or need help. The kind of help I can't give it. Anyways my dog is still getting use to my new cat but there is still work that needs to be done and still needs to be supervised.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

After Kit helped Hannah escape from the mob.

After Kit help Hannah escape from the mob she had to make it back home without being noticed.
 When Kit got home the mob had came and told Mathew that she had escaped. That's when Kit had spoke up and told Uncle Mathew that she had been going to see Hannah and claims that she is not a witch. When Uncle Mathew had found out about her going to go see Hannah the witch, he was very upset with Kit; but more upset with what the mob wanted to do to Kit for punishment.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

8 important events.

I'm going to pick 2 because it seems less complicated for me to do.

1. Kit lived in Barbados with her grandfather until he has died.

2. With out planning a head Kit moves to America so she can be around her family.

3. Kit aboarded a boat with no boarding pass.

4. Since Kit has arrived in America, She has made some new friends and met different religions.

5. America was quite different from Barbados with the sights and rules Kit had come across.

6.Things are going to get a little more difficult with the religion of the puritans coming to live in America.

7. Kit's family down in America is quite different from her family in Barbados.

8. In America woman are not aloud to read, so now Kit is different from all the other girls knowing that in Barbados, woman are aloud to know how to read.

I think these are important things in the story to know about because everything that has happened wouldn't of happened without these events happening. The ending would not of turned out the way it did without any of these single events happening. Everything would of turned out differently.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Hunger Games.

Well I figured out one thing. The Hunger Games has 3 books to it and the movie does not come out till 2012. kind of depressing but. . . . Actually very depressing. I was planning on watching the movie after I got done with the book. See; first it goes The Hunger Games. After that it goes catching fire, then Mocking Jay. . . . . . There is two more books. That I am grateful for but then again the movie comes out in 2012. "2012!!!." That is lame.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Would I help someone if they needed it?

Of course I would help someone if they needed it, regardless friend or not. You never know when your going to die, you can die tomorrow for all anyone knows. Everyones life is always in danger; for example, someone can have an accident and you were the victim, being to sick, catching something very deadly, getting bit by a venomous spider, to much blood loss or simply just falling on a nail that can penetrate your skull. Anything can happen. so endangering your own life for the greater good is never the wrong thing.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

People treated differently.

Different religions and people are treated differently because of where they grow up at; and what family's they grow up with. People's beliefs are set on what they think is right and as long as you think your doing the right thing, you are never doing the wrong thing. Mistakes are acceptable, but not if it causes someone to get hurt such as sacrifice or abuse. Things in that category. To some of us we think its wrong when someone causes abuse or who is menacing. But others think discipline is the only way to teach one. Out of the over all, "yes I do think the way people are getting treated differently is not all bad, but some good to."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

what kind of person mercy is.

Mercy is a nice, kind, patient and relaxing person. When you would think Mercy would get jealous she wouldn't, when you think she would of stepped up and showed her true feelings for the guy she wanted to be with she didn't. Instead she let Judith say something about Jon liking her when she knew who Jon really liked. You can see the she is not self centered and she makes sure her sisters are happy before she is. She is protective of her sisters.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thoughts of Hannah

Because of Hannahs religion people didn't like Hannah, and because of Hannahs religion people thought Hannah was a witch, which they shouldn't of assumed things. Hannah's religion is called Quaker and people assuming she is a bad peopon and not getting to know her is sort of rediculous. quaker is actually a pretty cool religion because Quakers are members of the Religious Society of Friends, a faith that emerged as a new Christian denomination in England during a period of religious turmoil in the mid-1600's, and is practiced today, in a variety of forms, around the world. To members of this religion, the words "Quaker"and "Friend" mean the same thing. Hannah lived out side the town in the meadows in her own litlle house right out side the town cause people would not let her live in the town, but because Kit, Nat and Prudence liked Hannah and did not judge her of her ways they went and visited.

Friday, April 8, 2011

How my parents chose my name.

Well I was named after a boy off a country movie, I don't really like country boys or actually to be technically mostly country people. But my mother is from the country and she had a favorite movie and typical it has to do with the country. There was a boy in there named Brandon; so she named me Brandon. I don't really like the name Brandon because it's common, but that's what she liked.

The name I would of preferred would of been something not common, something like Rex,Locus, or any of the uncommon names. Reason why I like Rex is because in dinosaurs a T-Rex is the number one top. The alpha, the most fearest. Also Rex is another name for king but just in dinosaur, which comes to mind I like the name King. wouldn't mind that name either.

Friday, April 1, 2011

How I think I can improve my reading.

I have been realizing something when I read, I can't hardly follow along with the story because I get mixed in who is talking or where I am in life as in the olden days or the feature. Let's say that when I read I am thinking of what time period I'm in. Am I in the  medieval days, am I in the new days with more technology. I would be reading thinking I'm in the medieval days then all the sudden there is a train in there. Now I'm confused. There is also something that I am not good with at all. I think if I get better with grammar and literacy I do believe it's called I will be better at reading. And, if I know what these things mean. <  :  ;  ]  [  -  /  >    the things that show like for example   " this means someone is talking, this means that you know you could of put two down but you did the short version   '   such as words like I'm or don't when you could of just put I am or do not. see.  I get lost easily in books cause I don't know what's what.