Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Endurance means being able to stand pain. Say you have a lot of endurance basically means you can last for a very long time. Such as you can run for along time which is called fatigue. That was an example for endurance. Endurance, meaning you can last along time if you have a lot of endurance. Now I'm pretty sure you know what it means if you don't have a lot of endurance "you cant last very long in what your doing. I'm not sure why we are talking about endurance and Junior but if that is the case then Junior does not have a lot of endurance. Cant hold his ground, gets punched once or twice then falls to the ground. Does no have a lot of strength to keep him self up. Now mental endurance that's a hole differiant story for Junior. He is very smart and is not convinced easly. Does not get side tracked or lets him self off focus. That is mental endurance. Now endure is a differiant story. I't means say like undure something new. experiance something new or be told something you did not know. That is endure, like over coming what ever it is.

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