Monday, December 13, 2010

Which movie I find most interesting

Well this movie that I'm about to talk about is a wonderful movie known as Notebook. There is this young man and woman who desperately falls in love with each other. The both of them are so happy with every moment they get to spend time with each other that when others around them take a look at them they see no flaws or have no despite upon  them. But then as usual something has to happen. the mother was fond of they're relation ship. A little to fond of they're relationship that it o most seemed like jealousy. This man was very pure and trusting to this woman as the Woman was very honest and jubilant to this man. but there was a difference about these two. The woman was a city girl and had rich folks that wanted best for her as this man was a country man and had no real job only making a few bucks here and there by his father who he lives with. Doing chores around the house was exactly how he makes his money, not to much to support him self let alone a woman or family. The mother did not think it was best for her daughter to see this man so she has decided their was only one way to stop the two of them from going any further into this deep relation ship that was considered as love. She has decided to move away. The daughter did not take to kindly to this information from her mother and started to act out with hurt and anger. She tryed to calm her self down by talking threw this with her bf but her bf only agreed with her parents. The man did not think that he would be able to give her a good life. She cryed and had to deal with the pain of her leave. Then she left. He wrote her every day but did not get any messages back for a year. The woman was waiting for a message from him but did not receive any messages. The mother was watching very carefully for and letter that came from him and hid them so she would think that he has moved on. Finlay the woman has moved on and met a man from the army. Nice, rich, good looking, and very well a decent man. she got married this this man that her mother and father was very pleased with. as the other man that still had feelings for her built this house that they have once talked about living to gather in. as he finished building it he put it on for sale. The woman saw in the news paper this house that she has once visualized living in with the man she fell in love with before and saw the man standing in front of the house she could not help her self but to go visit him and find out why she did not receive and letters as she was hoping for. so she went to visit. I have said to much already and I don't want to give away the ending so ya this movie is a really good movie and the love in this story is very touching. I will write another time and let you decide if this movie is worth watching and if you have already seen it is this a touching story to you.

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